Today is kicking off their first blog entry from right here in
Fayettville, AR. This weekend
BikeFit Pro Eduction was hosted by Andres
Angulo of
Advanced Cycling. New
BikeFit Pros as of today are Andres,
Branton Moore both of
Fayetteville and Michael Irwin from Kansas City, KS. Andrew Weber, Director of International Sales for assisted with the training.
Here is the group pictured below.

The weekend was filled with continuous bike fits from 8am to 8pm. We had some of the most interesting and challenging fits during this week-end's instruction. A new record was achieved for
BikeFit with
Speedplay pedals. Six of the 7 cyclists fit this past weekend needed different spindle lengths. Pedal spindle length options are something ONLY
Speedplay offers and is often the only option for cyclists needing increased or decreased stance width. If you are a fitter and you do not have the
Speedplay Pedal kit you are missing something very special.
Topping the
Speedplay odds was stem length needs/changes. ALL 7 cyclists left with shorter stems, making us wonder what the bike manufactures have in mind when they design and equip bikes.
The first day of training was such a success that on the second day Andres received many more requests from people hoping to get a bike fit. Word is spreading fast about the
BikeFit Pros in
Fayetteville. If you are in the area and would like a fit I feel you will be in very good hands with these
BikeFit Pros. Look them up and schedule your fit today.
Watch the front view for this fit
Those of you racing or planning on racing in Arkansas be aware of the newly fitted and faster individuals from the Tyson Cycling Team ... Debra Dunn, Bruce Dunn, Wade
Phuong Mueller, Dori
Hornbaker, John
Mikesch and Adrian
Balsara from the Mercy Cycling Team.
This training marked another Specialized dealer choosing for education.
Branton works for High Roller a Specialized dealer in
Occupational Therapist Assistant Michael joined many other therapists/
clinicians adding
BikeFitting to their credentials. Health Care
Professionals are
coms fasted growing segment in the bike fit world surpassing Bike Shops and coaches participating with more education.
Watch the second view from the front for the same fit